The Coaster Theatre Playhouse is a community theatre dedicated to live theatre on Oregon’s North Coast, and we need your help to create these events for residents and visitors of all ages. We are looking for friendly and reliable volunteers to work with us in a variety of ways both on and off stage.
Sign-up to receive our enewsletter updates on volunteer opportunities at the Coaster Theatre or call 503-436-0609
Ways you can volunteer at the Coaster Theatre:
Donate your time and talent to be a part of one of the Coaster Theatre’s plays or musicals. Auditions are held a few months prior to the show opening and we are always looking for talented individuals to grace our stage.
Never been on stage but had dreams of being in the spotlight. Don’t worry, get your feet wet as a part of the ensemble in one of our musicals or a smaller role in a play. It’s a great way to catch the acting bug!
Every cast member receives two tickets to a performance of their show.
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for audition notices or check our audition page for information.
We are always looking for dedicated people with attention to detail to work as stage managers, light board operators, sound operators and backstage crew.
Every crew member receives two tickets to a performance of their show.
Acting or singing not for you but you still want to be a part of the theatre? Why not volunteer to usher at one of our shows or work the concession stand?
Ushers greet patrons at the door and help patrons find their seats before the show begins.
Volunteers who have their OLCC servers permit can volunteer to work concessions. They help patrons purchase a Coaster Theatre cookie, Puffin wine, Public Coast beer or non-alcoholic beverage before the show and during intermission. If you don’t have an OLCC servers permit, contact us and we can help you navigate the process.
No experience necessary but ushers need to be able to go up and down stairs with ease. Call the box office at 503-436-1242 to get on our usher list.
All volunteers that help as an usher or in concessions receives a free ticket to that evening’s performance!
At the end of every show run we get a group of actors and volunteers together to take down the old set and help get the stage set for our next show. We are looking for “handy” types to help with moving large set pieces, take down flats and move platforms.
Not the “handy” type? We also have costume and other less strenuous projects during the strike party.
Everyone who helps out at strike will receive a complimentary ticket to the next show.